To register a trademark in the UAE, you need to provide specific documents and information to the UAE Ministry of Economy (MOE). Here’s a list of the required documents:
1. Trademark Details
- A clear representation of the trademark (logo, name, or symbol) in high resolution.
- A description of the goods or services related to the trademark (classified under the Nice Classification system).
2. Applicant Information
- For individuals:
- Copy of the applicant’s passport.
- UAE residency visa (if applicable).
- For companies:
- Trade license of the company.
- Proof of legal existence (e.g., Certificate of Incorporation).
3. Power of Attorney (if applicable)
- If an agent or law firm is filing on your behalf, a notarized Power of Attorney is required.
4. Contact Information
- Applicant’s name, address, email, and phone number.
5. Priority Document (if applicable)
- If claiming priority based on an earlier foreign application, provide a certified copy of the original application.
6. Arabic Translation of Documents
- Any documents not in Arabic must be translated by a certified translator.
7. Publication and Registration Fees
- Proof of payment for application and publication fees.
Tips for a Successful Application:
- Ensure your trademark design is distinctive and does not conflict with existing trademarks.
- Double-check that all documents are complete and properly translated to avoid delays.
These documents should be submitted online via the MOE portal or through a licensed trademark agent in the UAE.