What documents are required for trademark registration in the UAE? What documents are required for trademark registration in the UAE?

What documents are required for trademark registration in the UAE?

To register a trademark in the UAE, you need to provide specific documents and information to the UAE Ministry of Economy (MOE). Here’s a list of the required documents:

1. Trademark Details

  • A clear representation of the trademark (logo, name, or symbol) in high resolution.
  • A description of the goods or services related to the trademark (classified under the Nice Classification system).

2. Applicant Information

  • For individuals:
    • Copy of the applicant’s passport.
    • UAE residency visa (if applicable).
  • For companies:
    • Trade license of the company.
    • Proof of legal existence (e.g., Certificate of Incorporation).

3. Power of Attorney (if applicable)

  • If an agent or law firm is filing on your behalf, a notarized Power of Attorney is required.

4. Contact Information

  • Applicant’s name, address, email, and phone number.

5. Priority Document (if applicable)

  • If claiming priority based on an earlier foreign application, provide a certified copy of the original application.

6. Arabic Translation of Documents

  • Any documents not in Arabic must be translated by a certified translator.

7. Publication and Registration Fees

  • Proof of payment for application and publication fees.

Tips for a Successful Application:

  • Ensure your trademark design is distinctive and does not conflict with existing trademarks.
  • Double-check that all documents are complete and properly translated to avoid delays.

These documents should be submitted online via the MOE portal or through a licensed trademark agent in the UAE.